What is Fiverr and How to create account on Fiverr

In modern era digitalization took over almost everything that was used in the past era like most of the paper work.
Online marketing and promotions are now in the top buzz. Earning through different methods online without any stress or strain has become very easy and reliable. Now a day’s people can sit back relax and earn via their laptops or computers just by implementing their skills.

Money involved in the online earning methods is huge, it varies from $10 to $100000, its depends upon the type of work and methods a person in using.

One of the great earning methods in freelancing. A freelancer is someone who sell his skills and earn money for example, you can design a logo on adobe illustrator or any other software with proficiency and, you know how to change or edit logos or make it a 3D, with this skills you can earn online by selling your logo making skills to people who want to buy that stuff from you on the top freelancing sites.

One of that top freelancing site is Fiverr. Fiverr is just like a paradise for freelancers, it has grown so much in the past years and gain a certain reputation in the freelance markets. Fiverr offers millions of different jobs for freelancers with a very good money involved. Let us see how to make account on Fiverr.

• First, open the Fiverr site and click to create account then signup just like any other site. After signing up, click on the top right corner to become aa seller.

• In this page Fiverr will ask you your general information like education, certifications, keep something in mind the information you are giving to Fiverr is secure and always give the true information because, this information is vital to attract buyers to your profile.

• Fiverr will also ask about the details. Normally payment is made through Payoneer, so you should have that account in advance to become a seller on Fiverr.

• After inserting information about the account, you will have to write something about your self and insert a profile picture, now keep something in mind that Fiverr in a professional so always pick your own picture as profile picture, write your true information and try to make it engage and make audience believe that you have skills to sell.
Her is your profile.

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