How to create a gig on Fiverr

Fiverr is a world-renowned market place for freelancers. It is arguably the best freelance site in the world.
Fiverr works like bi-polar machine, on one side there are sellers and on the other there are buyer.
It is very simple buyers will post their request about a specific job they want done, sellers will response with their offers to the buyers.

Fiverr will earn its commission in between.
To become a top seller and earn loads of money of Fiverr, you to create a very engaging and professional gig.
A gig is an offer panel or box defining your specific skill set, for example, you a designer so your gig will be, “I will design a logo for you” in the simplest way.

Let me explain how to create a gig.
• Go to your Fiverr profile, there you will see a box names create your gig, click on that.
• Next it will ask your gig line, now I Will these too letters are default but, rest you to write by yourself, just write what you do best like designing or writing etc.
• Always write a very catching and engaging and a short line, it will make easier for buyers to read and less time consuming. You can write as “I will write an engaging article for you”.
• Below that they will ask you about the category you want to put your gig, like if wrote about something affiliated with writing then, click to writing and translation line and insert the sub-category besides it like, proofreading or articles writing whatever you do best.
• By putting these categories, your gig will appear in thee search page if anyone search about that thing.
• The will ask about the taglines, always put unique tags like, if you are a writer then inserts tags like “writing, blogging, article writer etc.”
• The next page will be about pricing, it will ask about 3 different packages, the basic, standard, the premium.
• Switch the other two offs because it is for the experience ones, stick to basic.
• Set your pricing very low at the beginning. Name your package in a simple like at the top then describe it about what you can offer in that price
• Fiverr will ask different thing about different gigs, if you are a write they will ask about the words involved etc. if you are a designer they will ask about that in the same pricing page.
• Next two pages are about description about yourself and requirements about your buyer.
• Insert your gig display picture and your gig is ready.

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