How to earn money through freelancing

Freelancing is a very popular way to earn money after the blogging and affiliate marketing. Freelancing also gives the freedom to do whatever you want and sell whatever you want.
As a freelancer you can work with the small, medium or big companies on a regular or temporary basis by providing them your services which can be anything like,

Writing and translation, graphics designing, ppt making, arts, photography, music, logo designing etc.
Freelancer can make form 100$ to 10000$ a month depends upon its skills and expertise and type of job.
Here are top 5 famous freelancing sites.

1. Upwork (or oDesk)
Upwork formerly known as oDesk is the best website for freelancers. It has whopping 4 million clients, so you can just imagine how much the site is earning and how much they are giving their freelancers.
There is nothing that you can’t find on this site. It has over 3000 different skill based freelancing jobs

2. Fiverr
It has become popular in no time. You can say Fiverr is Mecca for freelancers.
there are over 3 million different jobs you can find and almost everything relating the freelancing is available here.
You can earn from 5$ to 5000$ in no time. You must have any skills for the freelancing, either writing or designing skills, proofreading or ppt making skills etc. if you don’t skills you can’t earn easily via freelancing and specially on this site.

2. PeoplePerHour
People per hour is an amazing site for the freelancers who are good at the designing and coding jobs specific in the areas of logo design, 3D graphics, PHP, avatar, ASP and WordPress etc.
Just go there and signup as a seller and start your job as a freelancer.

4. Guru
This site has a humongous 1.5 million members worldwide, over 1 million jobs has been completed and it has paid estimated 200 million dollars to their employees/freelancers.
Here you will you will find over 3.45 million different kinds of freelancing jobs, I recommend you post your job now.

5. Freelancer
Freelancer has the same tone as Upwork and Guru it has over 26k+ users and over 8.8 million projects that are available for you right now.
It has astonishingly over 16 millions freelancers and they are making from 30$ to 250$ per project as a freelancer working there.

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